Welcome to Learning Words

On this website I share word lists, language learning and some books and anything related to words.
English grammar - Verbo To have

English grammar - Verb To have

Hello Readers of Learn Words, in this article we will learn about the verb To have in Portuguese and English in its affirmative form

Cumprimentos em Ucraniano

Ukrainian Greetings

Hello readers of Aprender Palavras, in this article we will learn some greetings in Ukrainian, if you are learning this beautiful language,

Cognatos em francês

Cognatos in French

Hello friends of Aprender Palavras, in this article we will learn a very important trigger to gain vocabulary of a new language,

Vocabulário de Natal em Alemão

German Christmas Vocabulary

Hello readers of Aprender Palavras, in this article we will learn some words related to this holiday season, although

Vocabulário de Natal em Francês

French Christmas Vocabulary

Hello readers of Aprender Palavras, in this article we will learn some French words that are related to this season of

Alfabeto Ucraniano

Ukrainian Alphabet

Hello Readers of Learn words, in this article we will get to know the Ukrainian alphabet and its history, whether you study or studied

Doces em Francês

French Sweets

Hello Readers of Aprender Palavras, in this article we will learn some sweets in French, and we will also learn some typical sweets

Torne-se poliglota!

Become a polyglot!

Hello readers of Aprender Palavras, today we are going to talk about something that a lot of you want: BE A POLIGLOT! is for

Cores em Espanhol

Colors in Spanish

Hello readers of Learn words, in this article we will increase our vocabulary in Spanish by knowing some colors and some expressions

Cores em Francês

French Colors

Hello friends of Aprender Palavras, today we are going to learn some colors in French, and how they can help us improve