French Christmas Vocabulary

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Hello readers of Aprender Palavras, in this article we will learn some French words that are related to this holiday season, and of course some foods from this season in French.

French word list

Portuguese Francês
Angel Ange
Christmas tree. Sapin de noël
Codfish Morue
Belem bethléem
christmas song. Chanson de noël
Christmas card. Carte de noël
Christ Christ
Christian Chrétien (ienne)
Christmas day. Jour de noël
Wreath Guirlande
Fireplace Chemiée
Manger Mangeoire
Christmas Noël
Nuts Noix
The wise men. Les rois mages
panettone Panettone, pudding de noël
Santa Claus. Père noël
Shepherd Berger
shank (roasted pork). Jambon
roasted turkey. Dinde rôtie
Peru. Dinde
nativity scene. Crèche
French toast. Toasts
reindeer. Renne


Candle bougie
mistletoe, plant used as christmas decoration. Gui
Christmas Eve. Veille de noël