Colors in Spanish

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Hello readers of Learn words, in this article we will increase our vocabulary in Spanish by knowing some colors and some idioms in which they fit well, they will enrich our Spanish, making it more attractive to those who listen to us.

Colors in Spanish

Portuguese Espanhol
Rainbow Arco iris
Yellow Amarillo
Plum Ciruela
Light blue Azul claro
Dark blue Azul Oscuro
Navy blue Azul Marino
Blue oil Azul Petroleo
Turquoise Azul Turquesa
Sky-blue Azul Celeste ou Celeste
Blue Azul
Beige Bege
White Blanco
Carmim/Carmesim Carmesí
light brown Castaño Claro
dark brown Castaño Oscuro
Brown Castaño
Grey Gris
Gray Gris
clear Claire
Orange Naranja
Pink Rosa
Coral Coral
Colors Colores
Dark Oscuro
Orange Naranja
Magenta Magenta
Ivory Marfil
Brown Marrón
Ouro / Dourado Oro, Dorado
Silver Plata
black Negro
Purple Morado
Light green Verde Claro
Dark green Verde Oscuro
Green-Lemon Verde limón
Green Verde
Bright red Rojo vivo
Red Rojo
Wine Vino
Violet Violeta

Color idioms

Being sin white: No money

Example in sentence:
I lost my job and I'm not white

See it all black: Being a pesimist

Example in sentence:
In the solution to my problems, I see you all very black

Ponerse abode: Eat a lot, llenarse

Example in sentence:
Ayer we ate in the house of my priests and we moved in

Poner green to someone: Hablar mal de otra persona

Example in sentence:
Lucia is very critical. Green pone all over the world

El prince blue: The ideal man, your man

Example in sentence:
Renato is my blue prince. Es perfecto

Other expressions

Orange media: You look ideal, you soul twin in love.

Pink press: Press that talks about the private life of the famous.

A brown: Things that turn out to be very annoying. In Spain that says “Eat a brown!”That is used when someone reproaches him in a very violent way for something that has gone what hasn't.

Green joke: Jokes that deal with sexual Project Ideas.

Verlo all color pink: Verlo all overly well, optimistically.