Introduction to French

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Parlez vous Français? The French language is a Romance language with about 274 million speakers. It is an official language in 30 countries, most of which are part of the so-called “La Francophonie”, the community of Francophone countries. It is an official language in all United Nations agencies and in a large number of international organizations. There are 500 million if included those who speak it as a second language or as a foreign language. Furthermore, about 200 million people learn French as a foreign language, making it the second most taught language in the world, followed by English, francophone communities exist in 56 countries and territories.

Most native speakers live in France, the rest live in Canada, in particular in the province of Quebec, with minorities in the Atlantic provinces, Ontario, and the rest of Canada, as well as in Belgium, Switzerland, Monaco, in Luxembourg and the American state of Louisiana. Most of those who speak French as a second language live in French-speaking Africa, whose number exceeds, it can be argued, that of native speakers.

Francophone countries:

French is the official language of Belgium, Monaco, France, Luxembourg and Switzerland, French also represents one of the official languages ​​of the European Union. Many African countries include French as an official language, such as Djibouti, Comoros, Burundi, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Guinea, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo and Gabon. French is also an official language of Côte d'Ivoire, Rwanda, Niger, Madagascar, Republic of the Congo, Mali, Senegal, Seychelles and Togo. Haiti, located in the Caribbean, also has French as an official language. Vanuatu, an archipelago in the South Pacific, lists French as the official language. France continues to provide funds for French-speaking school instruction in Vanuatu.

French-speaking countries, although not official, but second language:

Grammatical Structure:

French is a moderately inflected language. Nouns and most pronouns are inflected according to number (singular or plural); adjectives, according to the number and gender (male or female) of the nouns modified by them; personal pronouns, according to person, number, gender and case; and verbs, according to mode, time and according to the person and the number of the subject. The case is indicated mainly through word order and prepositions. Some verbal features are indicated by auxiliary verbs.

Let's learn a little

To introduce the Language on the site, we will learn a little about the pronunciation of that language so important for Culture, economy and social life.



L = Must be spoken with the tongue touching the roof of the mouth.

N = It is a nasal sound, as in On (Õ) An (Ã).

R = It is pronounced at the back of the throat, the Sound is similar to a Gargle, it takes time to reach that sound.

ER/EZ = Essas terminações são Pronunciadas “Ê” como em PurÊ.

AU/EAU/AUX= Pronunciado “Ô” como em AvÔ.

EU = Lips formed to speak O but pronounce E.

OI = UÁ as in Chuá;

AI = It's like FOOT, FILLET

Π= Sound similar to E, lips ready to pronounce E but say O.

U = It has two sounds: Ã as in (UN) or I as in (UNE) [Lips formed to pronounce U, but to pronounce I]

GN = NH from Portuguese.

H = Mute as in Portuguese.

Male and female:

As in Portuguese, French also has male and female genders, this is indicated by:

LA = For Female (F) = Female

LE = For Male (M) = Male

LES = For Plural

In order to facilitate:

"R" pronunciation:


Pronunciation of “EN, EM, AN, AM ”:


“UAE” pronunciation:


“EU” pronunciation:


“Œ” pronunciation:


“OI” pronunciation:


“U” pronunciation:


“Yes, È, ER, ET, EZ, ETTE, ESSE, ELLE ”:



“GN” pronunciation:

To start, I think there was a lot of information about the language and a little of its pronunciation,

Au revoir mes amis et comment dit Alexa “bisous bisous”

To the next…

Source: Wikipedia