Animal names in French

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In today's article we will learn the names of animals in French. Below you will find a beautiful table with many animals, organized in category, and along with the article.

It is worth remembering that we advise you to have a little knowledge in the pronunciation of the French language so as not to end up learning to pronounce animals in the wrong way.

Animals in French is Animaux, a domestic animal is known as a compagnie animal. 

Pets (domestic)

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Portuguese Francês
Cat le chat
Dog le chien
Ferret le furet
Golden-fish le poisson rouge
Gerbil (desert rat) la gerbille
Hamster le hamster
llama le lama
Parrot le perroquet
Bunny le lapin
Mouse la souris

Insects and creepers

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Portuguese Francês
Ant la fourmi
Bee l’abeille
Butterfly le papillon
Cockroach le cafard
snail l’escargot
Spider l’araignée
Grasshopper la sauterelle
cricket le cricket
Praying mantis la mante

Farm animals

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Portuguese Francês
Chicken le poulet
cow la vache
Dumb l’âne
Goose l’oie
Horse le cheval
Goat la chèvre
Mule la mule
Pig le cochon
Sheep le mouton

Forest animals

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Portuguese Inglês
Badger le blaireau
Antelope l’antilope
Bat la chauve-souris
Bear l’ours
Beaver le castor
Bird l’oiseau
Hart le cerf
Fox le renard
Otter la loutre
Owl le hibou
Hedgehog le porc-épic
Raccoon le raton-laveur
Aries le bélier
Squirrel l’écureil
Wolf le loup


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Portuguese Francês
Alligator l’alligator
Crocodile le crocodile
Frog la grenouille
Largato le lézard
Snake le serpent
frog le crapaud
Tortoise la tortue

Zoo animals

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Portuguese Francês 
Anteater le fourmilier
Monkey le singe
Baboon le babouin
Buffalo le buffle
camel le chameau
Cheetah le guépard
Coyote le coyote
Elephant l’éléphant
Gazelle la gazelle
Giraffe la girafe
Gorilla la gorille
Hipoppotamus l’hippopotame
Jaguar le jaguar
Kangaroo le kangourou
Leopard le léopard
Lion le lion
Monkey le singe
Ostrich l’autruche
Panda le panda
Panther le panthère
Rhinoceros le rhinocéros
Tiger le tigre
Zebra le zèbre

Ocean Animals

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Portuguese  Francês 
Crab le crabe
Dolphin le dauphin
Eel l’anguille
Jellyfish la méduse
Lobster le homard
Shark le requin
Walrus le morse
Manatee le lamantin
Pelican le pélican
Penguin le pingouin
Sealion l’otarie
Whale la baleine

I hope you enjoyed the article. Thank you for your reading and possible sharing. Finally, we will leave a video showing some of the animals' pronunciation, and some phrases in French.