Spanish sports name list

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In the Spanish language, sports are called sports. In this article we will see a complete list of sports in Spanish. In the middle of these sports you will also find games that fit the category.

First we have the word and Spanish, followed by the word in Portuguese. To facilitate your search, we recommend using the browser location [CTRL + F]. I hope you like this article!

Lista com nome dos esportes em espanhol

List of Sports in Spanish

Tabela Responsiva: Role a tabela para o lado com o dedo <<
Esporte em Espanhol Sport in Portuguese
ajedrez chess
 alpinismo mountain climbing
 aro rim
 artes marciales martial arts
 atletismo athletics
 automovilismo motoring
 badminton badminton
 baloncesto ou básquet basketball
 balonmano handball
 billar billiards
 bolos bowling
 boxeo boxing
 buceo diving
 béisbol baseball
 canicas marble
 carrera running
 carrera a pie running
 cartas cards game
 ciclismo cycling
 columpio swing
 comba rope
 cometa Kite
 damas ladies
 danza dance
 dardos darts
 dominó domino
 equitación horsemanship
 escondite hide and seek
 esgrima fencing
 esquí ski
 fútbol soccer
 fútbol americano football
 gallina ciega blind goat
 gimnasia fitness
 golf golf
 hipismo equestrianism
 hockey hockey
 judo judo
 juegos games
 jóckey hockey
 kárate karate
 levantamiento de pesas Weight lifting
 lucha libre wrestling
 monopatín skateboard
 motociclismo motorcycling
 musculación weight training
 natación swimming
 patinaje skating
 pesca fishing
 petanca bocce ball
 ping-pong table tennis
 piragüismo canoeing
 rayuela hopscotch
 rugby rugby
 surf surfing
 tenis sneakers
 tenis de mesa table tennis
 tiro con arco ou arquería archery
 tobogán slide
 voleibol volleyball
 voleibol / balonvolea (esp.) volleyball
 yudo judo