Human body parts in Portuguese and English.

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In today's article we will see a complete vocabulary list with parts of the human body in Portuguese and English, including organs, fluids, bones and etc. We recommend that you have a basic knowledge of English pronunciation so that you can correctly learn the parts of the human body in Portuguese and English.

The table is very complete, and it is in alphabetical order to help in the search for certain words.

Human body parts in Portuguese.

Tabela Responsiva: Role a tabela para o lado com o dedo <<
Portuguese Inglês
amígdalas tonsils
anca hip
forearm forearm
apêndice appendix
articulation joint
artery artery
axila armpit
ânus anus
bowl pelvis
beard beard
barriga da perna calf
barriga belly
barriga stomach
spleen spleen
bladder bladder
bigode moustache
mouth mouth
cheek cheek
arm arm
bílis bile
cabelo hair
head head
caixa torácica rib cage
calcanhar heel
cinnamon shin
beef flesh
cartilagem cartilage
cavidade ocular eye socket
cintura waist
clavícula collarbone ou clavicle
column spine ou backbone
heart heart
back back
costela rib
elbow elbow
thigh thigh
crânio skull
brain brain
cólon colon
córnea cornea
Toe toe
dedo grande big toe
finger finger
tooth tooth (plural: teeth)
esqueleto skeleton
esophagus oesophagus
fémur thigh bone ou femur
liver liver
throat throat
genitais genitals
globo ocular eyeball
glândula gland
gordura fat
small intestine small intestine
large intestine large intestine
intestinos intestines
iris iris
knee knee
ligamento ligament
lábio lip
lágrimas tears
language tongue
lóbulo da orelha earlobe
mamilo nipple
jaw jaw
maçã de Adão Adam’s apple
membro limb
mucus mucus
mucosidade phlegm
hand hand
músculo muscle
narina nostril
nose nose
nádegas buttocks
nós dos dedos knuckle
eye eye
shoulder shoulder
ear ear
osso bone
organ organ
palma da mão palm
peito chest
skin skin
pelos púbicos pubic hair
leg leg
neck neck
pestana eyelash
planta do pé sole
thumb thumb
próstata prostate gland ou prostate
lungs lungs
pulse wrist
pupila pupil
pálpebra eyelid
pancreas pancreas
foot foot (plural: feet)
penis penis
queixo chin
tail bottom (calão: bum)
retina retina
reto rectum
rins kidneys
rugas wrinkles
rótula kneecap
saliva saliva ou spit
blood blood
sardas freckles
seio breast
sistema digestivo digestive system
sistema nervoso nervous system
sobrancelha eyebrow
suor sweat ou perspiration
sémen semen
tendão de Aquiles Achilles tendon
tendão nerve
tendão tendon
testa forehead
testicles testicles
ankle ankle
traqueia windpipe
tímpano eardrum
umbigo navel ou belly button
unha do pé toenail
unha fingernail
urine urine
úmero humerus
uterus womb ou uterus
vagina vagina
vaso sanguíneo blood vessel
veia vein
gallbladder gall bladder ou gallbladder
virilha groin
vértebra vertebra (plural: vertebrae)
vómito vomit

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