Name of weapons in Portuguese – Vocabulary of War

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In this article we will share a list of words related to weapons in English. I hope you like this vocabulary list. If you liked it, share and leave your comments.

In this article we are not going to talk only about the name of firearms in English, not least because firearms usually have acronyms and numbers. When we talk about weapons we are talking about all kinds of weapons in English, things like bombs, tanks, warships and things like that.

List of weapons in Portuguese

Tabela Responsiva: Role a tabela para o lado com o dedo <<
Armas em português Armas em inglês
arpão spear
avião de bombardeio bomber
avião de caça fighter plane
bala bullet
barco de guerra warship
bazuca bazooka
besta crossbow
bomba bomb
bumerangue boomerang
canhão cannon
couraçado de batalha battleship
dispositivo de lançamento de foguetes rocket launcher
espada sword
espingarda airgun
espingarda shotgun
estilingue sling
faca knife
foguete rocket
granada grenade
lança chamas flamethrower
metralhadora machinegun
mina mine
míssil missile
morteiro mortar
munição ammunition
pistola gun
pistola pistol
porta aviões aircraftcarrier
punhal dagger
rifle rifle
submarino submarine
tanque tank
zarabatana blowgun
Nome das armas em inglês - Vocabulário de Guerra