How important are mind maps?

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If you are looking for agility, productivity and effectiveness in your learning and production processes, you should use mind maps.

But what is a mind map? Mind maps are diagrams that are made for information and knowledge management. These maps are an effective method for improving memory and understanding through the visual representation of information.

With mind maps you learn, create, share and discover. Mind maps are also used to express your Project Ideas simply, quickly and directly.

A Mind Map can help you with planning and understanding. It can help in several areas such as marketing, language studies, presentations, content creation, etc. Everyone can benefit from a mind map.

With mind maps you can make connections and have a broader view of the subject, and a quick understanding of the subject.

Qual a importância dos mapas mentais?

Creating mind maps

A mind map consists of an image or text on the subject starting at the center.

Images, symbols, codes and colors are used in your mind maps. You can circle each point and connect them creating different forms of ligament to distinguish points in the subject.

Each point in the subject must use keywords written in uppercase or lowercase. Place each image alone, and they must be linked from the central image.

Using different colors in your mind map you have visual stimulation, as well as the possibility to organize and group the key points. Use emphases and show associations in your mind map. Keep the mind map clear, using radial hierarchy, numerical order or outlines to group branches.

Do not get stuck in the rules above, there are several concepts and types of mind maps for a given goal. Develop your own personal mind mapping style!

Qual a importância dos mapas mentais?

Program to create your mind maps

There are several programs for creating mind maps, one of the best is the mindmeister which is free and can be downloaded on several platforms.

There are several other programs like mind node, free mind, xmind, free plane, mind manager, mind mapr and several others. Choose the program that suits you!