Top 5: Vacation readings

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And the long-awaited vacation came, aah, how good it is. Have some extra time for yourself, a well deserved rest. And as good readers that we are, nothing better than taking advantage of this period to put our readings that sometimes accumulate because of work and study, up to date on the long-awaited vacation.

And thinking about it, I decided to bring some reading tips for the holidays. With tips from some genres that you might like. And even if it's not your style, it can be a good chance to get to know a new universe, stepping out of your comfort zone, and maybe even finding a new favorite literary genre. Nothing is impossible, is it ?!

Então vamos aproveitar as férias para viajarmos pelas páginas de uns bons livros. E lembrando também, que eu irei dar dicas de livros “curtos” ou com histórias tão envolventes, que vocês irão conseguir lé-los tranquilamente no decorrer das férias.

Top 5: Leituras para as férias

Lord of the flies, by Willian Golding

This book is one of those books incríveis in the form of a few-page book. It has 224 pages, but do not think that it is a shallow story by its number of pages. On the contrary, Golding was able to report on these pages the most remarkable story about survival, self-control, the loss of innocence. And all of this in the way that in my opinion is the most impactful, through children. Yes children of various ages, who have to organize themselves, create rules and survive on an island paradise. Here Golding was able to draw exactly the line between how far the limits go.

This book was well known for split opinions, and have been adapted twice.

Top 5: Leituras para as férias

Synopsis: Originally published in 1954, 'Lord of the Flies' is one of the essential novels in world literature. Adapted twice for the cinema, translated into 35 languages, the William Golding classic - which was once seen as an allegory, a parable, a political treatise and even a vision of the apocalypse - sold over 25 million in English alone of copies.

During World War II, a plane crashes on a desert island, and its only survivors are a group of school-age boys. They discover the charms of this tropical haven and, led by Ralph, seek to organize themselves while awaiting a possible rescue. But little by little - and by their own designs - these seemingly innocent boys turn the island into a visceral dispute for power, and their savagery rips the thin surface of civility, which they maintained as a remote reminder of life in society.

When narrating the story of boys lost on a paradise island, gradually letting themselves be carried away by barbarism, Golding builds an electrifying story, at the same time a reflection on the nature of evil and the fine line between power and excessive violence.

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Dear John, by Nicholas Sparks

I read this book a few years ago and I confess that it moved me a lot. And it was a book to get me out of my comfort zone, because it's a genre that I don't read often, and it's not one of my strengths. Because those who know me know of my love for terror, suspense and the like.

However, Dear John it was such a pleasant reading and it involved me so much. Making me feel very good and completely involved in the story, in the plot and with the characters that are super captivating.

This book has an adaptation that in my opinion was not very well done, as I already mentioned in my other Top 5, about poorly adapted books – Confira. Mas o livro é sem sombra de dúvidas, um dos meus amorzinhos, e vale muito a pena entrar para as suas leituras para as férias.

Top 5: Leituras para as férias

Synopsis: After a youth of rebellion and drunkenness, John Tyree decided to start a new chapter in his life and enlisted in the Army. A year later, now a new man, he returns to Wilmington, North Carolina, to spend time with his old father.

One afternoon, while admiring the sunset from the small seaside town, he meets the girl of his dreams. In addition to being beautiful, Savannah is friendly, with an easy smile, an example of good conduct and altruism. Interestingly, this contrast of personalities does not prevent an overwhelming feeling from arising between the two.

No entanto, John precisa voltar para a Alemanha a fim de concluir o serviço militar. Em nome do amor, Savannah decide esperar por ele, enquanto o jovem soldado promete que, após esse período, vai ficar para sempre ao lado da mulher que conquistou seu coração. O que nenhum dos dois poderia esperar eram os eventos do 11 de Setembro. Enquanto John entra em combate no Iraque, Savannah precisa reunir forças para superar a dor da distância.

Nesse cenário de saudade e incertezas, uma simples carta pode mudar a vida dos dois para sempre.

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Bird box, by Josh Malerman

Bird box it is a thriller, but for me it is the ideal book for those who start reading the genre horror in my opinion. Because it is a subject that has a lot of terror, but in a more "lighter" hint. However, make no mistake ... He will get you out of sleep.

It is composed of an intriguing story, which will hold you from beginning to end. It is the type of book to read one day, without a doubt.

Eu não vou me estender muito sobre esse livro, por que já tem resenha sobre ele aqui no blog (Confira!). Mas é um dos meus favoritos as a tip for reading for the holidays, for those who haven't read it, it's really wonderful and well built.

Top 5: Leituras para as férias

Synopsis: Debut novel by Josh Malerman, Bird Box is a tense and terrifying psychological thriller. That explores the essence of fear. A story that will leave the reader completely out of breath even after finishing reading.

One glance is enough to trigger a violent and uncontrollable impulse that will end in suicide. Nobody is immune and nobody knows what causes this reaction in people. Five years after the outbreak began, few survivors remained, including Malorie and two young children. She dreams of escaping to a place where the family can be safe, but the journey ahead is frightening: a wrong decision and they will die.

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Stay where you are and then run, by John Boyne

Stay where you are and then run, it was a happy surprise for me. I bought it without much pretension, and so it stayed on my shelf for about 2 years. Until last year after reading The war that saved my life (resenha). Fiquei curiosa para ler esse lindo, pois se trata de uma história de uma passado durante a primeira guerra mundial.

As I said about The Lord of the Flies, this book is also a story of a child. And that makes me even more curious and already aware that there is a remarkable plot. And it is no different here. You will feel the anguish and longing passed by Alfie, who felt a separation caused by the war on his skin.

There is no way to spend this vacation without traveling to one of the World Wars it is not?!

Top 5: Leituras para as férias

Synopsis: Alfie Summerfield never forgot her 5th birthday. Almost no friend of his was able to go to the party, and the adults looked concerned. While some tried to convince themselves that everything would be resolved before Christmas, his grandmother kept saying that they were all lost. Alfie still didn't quite understand what was going on, but World War I had just begun.

Seu pai logo se alistou para o combate, e depois de quatro longos anos Alfie já não recebia mais notícias de seu paradeiro. Até que um dia o garoto descobre uma pista indicando que talvez o pai estivesse mais perto do que ele imaginava. Determinado, Alfie mobilizará todas suas forças para trazê-lo de volta para casa.

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Margaret Atwood's Aunt's Tale

And to finish off these reading tips for the holidays, nothing better than a distopia. That was super well spoken in 2017, with a series by HULU that won so many awards and the wonderful author who even won a Nobel Peace Prize. It is to close this list of readings for the holidays with Golden Key it is not?!

The story of the maid, also has a review here on the blog, if you want to check out more about this wonderful work just click here and get to know this book better. And standing up straight and stomach upset with this latest book from reading list for the holidays.

Top 5: Leituras para as férias

Synopsis: Written in 1985, the dystopian novel The maid's talefrom canadian Margaret Atwood. Tornou-se um dos livros mais comentados em todo o mundo nos últimos meses. Voltando a ocupar posição de destaque nas listas do mais vendidos em diversos países.

Além de ter inspirado a série homônima (The Handmaid’s Tale, no original) produzida pelo canal de streaming Hulu, o a ficção futurista de Atwood, ambientada num Estado teocrático e totalitário em que as mulheres são vítimas preferenciais de opressão. Tornando-se propriedade do governo, e o fundamentalismo se fortalece como força política, ganhou status de oráculo dos EUA da era Trump.

Amid all this buzz, O tale da maia returns to the shelves with a new cover, signed by the artist Laurindo Feliciano.

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Then that's it. I hope you enjoyed my reading tips for the holidays. And that you can enjoy it a lot, read a lot. And if you read any of the books in this Top 5, comment here what you think ... And if you liked these reading ideas for the holidays.