Tip: Learn Chinese and Japanese with Chineasy

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The designer ShaoLan created a project that proposes to make life easier for those who study the Chinese language and the Japanese language because they have original Chinese ideograms.

Chineasy is a visual system, which uses the original ideograms as the basis for an illustration that reveals its meaning. The goal, she says on the website, is "to bring down the great wall of the Chinese language".


To develop Chineasy, the designer deconstructed almost two thousand of the most used Chinese characters, in addition to identifying the 100 most common components. She places the Ideograms next to an image to express its meaning. It is possible to create new Ideograms by joining other small Ideograms, the site focuses on this point.

So basically through her associative illustrations, she teaches Chinese ideograms to English speakers.

But the site has illustrations, you don't need to know English to learn from her great site.

Site link: https://chineasy.org/