Temas para TCC e Monografia de Educação

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Neste editorial queremos partilhar uma lista colossal de temas e ideias para Monografias e TCCs de Educação. A lista também divulga sugestões para outros trabalhos acadêmicos como fichamentos, resumos, artigo científico, resenhas e muitos outros.Espero que faça bom uso dessa gigante lista de ideias e temas para trabalhos de Educação.

A decisão do tema de Educação é a escolha mais importante que o acadêmico necessita tomar para um bom desenvolvimento do TCC ou Monografia, o que acaba gerando muita cisma e incertezas.

Dentre as milhares de escolhas de ideias para Monografia e TCC, uma escolha certa vai assegurar que o formando elabore sua monografia com muito mais clareza e menos exaustão.

Primeiro, antes começarmos a lista de temas para o TCC de Educação, desejamos indicar sugestões para dar suporte no seu Trabalho Acadêmico.

We suggest reading our other post on: Temas para Monografia e TCC de Pedagogia.

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Temas para Trabalhos Acadêmicos, TCC e Monografia de Educação

Recomendações para Trabalhos Acadêmicos de Educação

Veja abaixo dicas para criação de seu trabalho acadêmico de Educação, dicas ótimas para seu Monografia ou TCC:

  • Se você trabalha ou sabe onde quer trabalhar, vasculhe temas ligados à sua área de atividade. Você precisa ter simpatia com o tema;
  • Pense também na bibliografia, verifique se existe fonte de referência o bastante pra esse tema de TCC;
  • Pergunte ao seu Educador – É muito importante que o Educador orientador concorde com o tema;

Ideias e Temas para Monografia e TCC de Educação

Veja abaixo algumas ideias para criação de trabalhos acadêmicos como TCC e Monografia de Educação:

  1. Affectivity in pedagogical practice and teacher training
  2. Literacy from the perspective of literacy
  3. The common national curriculum basis for early childhood education
  4. The career of the teacher in the 21st century
  5. Discipline in early childhood education
  6. Environmental education in the early grades
  7. Current education
  8. Education in the digital age
  9. Continuing education of the teacher of early childhood education in art
  10. Teacher training
  11. Teacher training for inclusion of autistic students
  12. The role of the pedagogical coordinator
  13. School management
  14. The history of daycare centers
  15. The importance of affectivity in the teacher-student relationship
  16. The importance of bringing parents and school together
  17. The importance of school without party for social development
  18. The importance of the family at school
  19. The importance of music in early childhood education
  20. The importance of music in learning
  21. The importance of play in schools
  22. The importance of working on Ethnic-Racial relations in elementary school
  23. The importance of a professional trained in monitoring children with special needs
  24. The importance of affection in the classroom.
  25. The importance of playing in early childhood education
  26. The importance of internship in teacher training
  27. The importance of internship in teacher training
  28. The importance of supervised internship in teacher training
  29. The importance of psychopedagogue in the school space
  30. The importance of school reinforcement since primary education
  31. The importance of sports in education
  32. The importance of exercises for memorization in logical disciplines
  33. Indiscipline in early childhood education
  34. The influence of affectivity on youth and adult learning
  35. The influence of affectivity in education
  36. The influence of morning coffee on students' learning in the morning
  37. The influence of Escola sem Partido on the democratization of public education.
  38. Influence on teaching using playfulness in child education
  39. The insertion of the child in the daycare
  40. The insertion of the English language in preschool
  41. The insertion of the pedagogue in public and private organizations
  42. Interdisciplinarity in the early grades
  43. The internet as a tool in research practice in public schools.
  44. Playfulness in Early Childhood Education (0 to 5 years)
  45. Music in early childhood education
  46. Music in early childhood education: children's achievements from music.
  47. The organization of songs in the routine of early childhood education
  48. The organization of spaces in early childhood education
  49. Family participation
  50. Business pedagogy
  51. Pedagogy in the hospital environment
  52. The permanent need to value art and creativity at school
  53. The educational perspective of daycare centers' physical space
  54. Recycling as a playful element in child education
  55. The relationship between Christianity and education
  56. Routine in early childhood education
  57. Routine in the daily routine of early childhood education: what do children indicate?
  58. The systematization of the textbook
  59. Asperger's Syndrome
  60. Technology in the education of hearing impaired students
  61. Shyness in the school context: a look at this characteristic of human personality at school.
  62. The use of the computer lab as a pedagogical space
  63. Reception of babies in daycare
  64. Adapting the school to inclusive education
  65. Adaptation of students in inclusive education
  66. Adapting babies to school
  67. Adaptation of hyperactive children
  68. Adaptation of children to daycare
  69. Adaptation of teaching for different ages
  70. Adapting teaching to inclusive education
  71. Affectivity in early childhood education
  72. Affectivity in teacher and student learning
  73. Literacy of students with learning difficulties
  74. Literacy and literacy in the early grades
  75. Literacy in pounds
  76. Application of children's literature at home
  77. Application of children's literature in the classroom
  78. The contributions of psychopedagogy in EJA
  79. The contributions of a toy library to children's learning
  80. Individual differences and the classroom
  81. Text review strategies in the early years of elementary school.
  82. The influences of emotion in the teaching-learning process
  83. Multiple languages ​​in youth and adult literacy
  84. The pedagogical practices of jesus
  85. Deaf students' technologies and education
  86. Daycare evaluation
  87. Evaluation versus correction: giving a new look to evaluative practices.
  88. Benefits provided by reading in childhood
  89. Hospital playroom
  90. Search for knowledge in Brazil
  91. Citizenship at school
  92. How to deal with bullying in public schools
  93. How can we create games that include students with and without autism within a regular class?
  94. Knowledge covered in inclusive education
  95. Building citizenship in the education of youth and adults: the challenges of political education in EJA.
  96. Storytelling
  97. Storytelling in early childhood education
  98. Contribution of fairy tales to pedagogical practices
  99. Circus children: a proposal for inclusion
  100. Children with autism in schools
  101. Children with writing difficulties
  102. Children with dyslexia
  103. Definition of inclusive education
  104. Definition of EJA
  105. Definition of children's literature
  106. Ethical development in early childhood education
  107. Pedagogical Design
  108. Learning difficulties of hyperactive children
  109. Learning difficulties in reading and writing
  110. Rights of the LGBT population at school
  111. Discipline, limit in the right measure
  112. Cultural diversity in schools
  113. Cultural diversification in learning
  114. Teaching with women deprived of their liberty
  115. Shared teaching
  116. Distance education for teacher training
  117. Education as a sustainability process
  118. Home education
  119. Education in prisons
  120. Inclusive education
  121. Inclusive education: teacher education and its inclusive practices
  122. Early childhood education: the contribution of play to the child's socialization process in daycare
  123. Education in the field: a new way of thinking about the student-teacher relationship.
  124. Teaching through children's books
  125. Science teaching in the early grades
  126. Mathematics teaching in early childhood education
  127. Teaching of elderly students
  128. Teaching and learning mathematics in early childhood education
  129. Teaching for young people and adults
  130. Montessori School
  131. Public schools: space for reproduction or transformation?
  132. School, citizen formation and the role of the pedagogical coordinator
  133. Case study of a student with learning difficulties
  134. Language study in preschool
  135. School dropout
  136. School dropout in high school
  137. Lack of attention: a teaching understanding.
  138. Family-school: a cooperative or conflictive relationship?
  139. Children of same-sex couples in schools
  140. Fluency in oral reading in literacy
  141. Teacher training for field education
  142. Teacher education in higher education
  143. Teacher training
  144. Teacher training for EJA
  145. School failure
  146. School management
  147. School management: space for participation
  148. School gymkhana in the teaching-learning process
  149. Inclusion of the autistic child in the classroom
  150. Inclusion of autistic children in basic education
  151. Digital inclusion in youth and adult education
  152. Digital inclusion in schools
  153. Inclusion is preparation at school
  154. Inclusion, Intellectual disability
  155. Indiscipline in Education: causes and consequences
  156. Informatics as a teaching tool
  157. Multiple intelligences in the learning process
  158. Interdisciplinarity
  159. Digital games in the learning process
  160. Games and games
  161. Games and play in early childhood education
  162. Reading and Writing as a Pleasure Source
  163. Reading in early childhood education
  164. Children's literature
  165. More education: integral education or school reinforcement?
  166. Conflict mediation in the EJA classroom
  167. Improvements in the education system
  168. Learning movements: a classroom organized in groups.
  169. Women participating in EJA
  170. Music in early childhood education
  171. Neuroscience in education
  172. Playing in early childhood education 3 to 4 years
  173. The tutelary council in schools
  174. The playful in the learning process
  175. The role of the pedagogical coordinator
  176. The role of the pedagogue in organizations
  177. The role of the teacher in inclusive education
  178. The Role of Educational Psychopedagogists
  179. The role of the teacher in combating sexist education
  180. The power of myth and superheroes in education
  181. The literacy process in Libras
  182. The process of forming consciousness
  183. The reward system as an incentive to study
  184. ADHD and its implications for the school environment
  185. Theater within schools
  186. The use of television in early childhood education
  187. The use of a toy library
  188. The use of fables in early childhood education
  189. Chess as a way of teaching mathematics
  190. Digital literacy workshop
  191. Literacy challenges in the early grades
  192. The challenges of combating bullying
  193. The challenges of maternal education
  194. Other languages ​​in basic education
  195. Pedagogy in non-school environments
  196. Business Pedagogy
  197. Holistic pedagogy a new look at education
  198. Hospital Pedagogy
  199. Libertarian pedagogy
  200. People with disabilities in higher education: permanence and effectiveness
  201. Early childhood, preoperative period
  202. Social programs that promote knowledge in adulthood
  203. Pedagogical practices in daycare: affectivity as an axis
  204. Psychomotricity
  205. Psychomotricity and early childhood education
  206. Children's advertising
  207. Gender issues at school and the influence of society
  208. Recycling in early childhood education
  209. Recreation: children's space and time for expression.
  210. Reduce bullying in schools through pedagogical practices
  211. National curriculum framework for early childhood education
  212. Relationship between guardianship council and school
  213. Relationship between teacher and student
  214. Relationship between teachers and students
  215. Teacher-student relationship: the importance of affectivity
  216. Gender relations and sexuality
  217. Gender relations in schools
  218. Conversation wheel in early childhood education
  219. Sexuality in Early Childhood Education
  220. Brain and computational system: possible connections
  221. Situation of inclusive education in Brazil
  222. Theater inside the school
  223. Assistive technology in inclusion
  224. Becoming a literacy teacher: knowledge necessary for teaching.
  225. Child and youth work
  226. Transition from Early Childhood Education to Elementary Education
  227. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  228. Use of the internet in teaching practices
  229. Use of television in children's education
  230. Use of applications in the literacy process
  231. Violence in schools
  232. Experiences in school and non-school education: practices inspired by dialogue.

Temas para Trabalhos Acadêmicos, Monografia e TCC de Educação

Regras de Estrutura para TCC de Educação

A estrutura do TCC de Educação deve seguir os seguintes parâmetros:

  1. External part
    1. Capa do TCC de Educação(Exigido)
    2. Lombada do TCC de Educação(Opcional)
  2. Pre-textual elements of the subject
    1. Job Cover Sheet (Required)
    1. Theme Errata (Optional)
    2. Approval Sheet (Required)
    3. Dedicatória do assunto (Facultativo)
    4. Agradecimentos do assunto (Opcional)
    5. Epígrafe da monografia (Optativo)
    6. Abstract in the vernacular language of the Research Paper (Required)
    7. Foreign Language Summary (Required)
    8. Lista de Ilustrações do projeto (Optativo)
    9. List of Research Paper Tables (Optional)
    10. List of Abbreviations and Acronyms (Optional)
    11. List of Theme Symbols (Optional)
    12. Theme summary (Required)
  3. Textual Elements
    1. Introduction (Required)
    2. Work development (Mandatory)
    3. Completion (Required)
  4. Post-Textual Elements
    1. Subject references (Required)
    2. Glossary (Optional)
    3. Appendix (s) (Optional)