Talking about Hours in Portuguese and English - Time

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In this article we will talk a little bit about hours in Portuguese and English. Today we are going to talk about the famous What time is it? And some other words related to time in the Portuguese and English language. I hope you like this short article. 

Before we talk about the time in Portuguese and English, you need to know the English language numbers. Bearing in mind that speaking the hours in Portuguese and English can be a bit more complicated, since many expressions and phrases are used entirely. 

Let's start by learning a few words necessary to speak English in hours: 

  • hour #NULL!
  • minute #NULL!
  • second #NULL!
  • watch #NULL!
  • morning #NULL!
  • night #NULL!
  • afternoon #NULL!

Palavras e Frases sobre horas em inglês

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What time is it? Are… What time is it?
midnight It’s midnight
midday It’s midday
one hour It’s one o’clock
a half hour It’s half past one
one hour and forty-five It’s quarter to two
one hour and fifteen It’s quarter past one
five o'clock It’s five o’clock
five hours and a half It’s half past five
five fifteen It’s quarter past five
ten hours It’s ten o’clock
ten and a half hours It’s half past ten
ten fifteen It’s quarter past ten
twelve hours It’s twelve o’clock
twelve and a half hours It’s half past twelve
twelve forty-five hours It’s quarter to one
twelve fifteen It’s quarter past twelve
two hours It’s two o’clock
two hours and a half It’s half past two
two hours and forty-five It’s quarter to three
two hours and fifteen It’s quarter past two
nine o'clock It’s nine o’clock
nine and a half hours It’s half past nine
nine hours and forty-five It’s quarter to ten
nine fifteen It’s quarter past nine
eight o'clock It’s eight o’clock
eight and a half hours It’s half past eight
eight forty-five hours It’s quarter to nine
eight fifteen It’s quarter past eight
eleven o'clock It’s eleven o’clock
eleven and a half hours It’s half past eleven
eleven forty-five hours It’s quarter to twelve
eleven o'clock fifteen It’s quarter past eleven
four o'clock It’s four o’clock
four hours and half It’s half past four
four forty-five hours It’s quarter to five
four fifteen It’s quarter past four
six hours It’s six o’clock
half past six It’s half past six
six hours and forty-five It’s quarter to seven
six fifteen It’s quarter past six
seven o'clock It’s seven o’clock
seven hours and a half It’s half past seven
seven forty-five hours It’s quarter to eight
three hours It’s three o’clock
three and a half hours It’s half past three
three hours and forty-five It’s quarter to four
three fifteen It’s quarter past three