Welcome to Learning Words

On this website I share word lists, language learning and some books and anything related to words.
Países em árabe

Arabic Countries

Hello Readers of Learn Words, in this article we will learn the names of some countries in standard Arabic, this vocabulary is

Transliteração do idioma árabe

Arabic language transliteration

Hello Readers of Aprender Palavras, today we are going to talk about the Transliteration of the Arabic alphabet, of course, Arabic

Partes do corpo humano em árabe

Human body parts in Arabic

Hello Readers of Learn Words! In this article we will learn parts of the human body in Arabic. This list is in alphabetical order and

Números em árabe #1

Arabic numbers # 1

Hello Readers of Learn Words, today we are going to learn some numbers in Standard Arabic. In this article we will focus on the numbers not on

Árabe Egipcio

Egyptian Arabic

Hello Friends of Learning Words, in this article we will continue with expressions in the dialects of the Arabic language, today we will learn

Alfabeto árabe

Arabic alphabet

Olá Amigos do “Aprender Palavras” hoje vamos aprender um pouco sobre a escrita do árabe? Conforme já explicamos no artigo

Árabe, Persa ou Urdu?

Arabic, Persian or Urdu?

صبح بخير, صبح بخير, صباح الخير ??????? And then I got to know the difference between them? Or does it seem to be the same thing?