Prepositions in Spanish - Portuguese - Prepositions

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In this article we will see a list of prepositions in the Spanish language. I hope you make good use of that list. We do not recommend using this list to learn vocabulary directly. We recommend using whole sentences and some memorization tool like anki.

The list of prepositions in Spanish is quite large, so we will leave below some other related articles in case you want to see more about the Spanish language:

I hope you enjoy the list of prepositions in Portuguese.

Preposições em espanhol - português - Preposiciones

Spanish prepositions

Tabela Responsiva: Role a tabela para o lado com o dedo <<
Portuguese Espanhol 
below bajo
below por debajo de
above por encima
Besides además de
beyond más allá de
before antes de
before antes
beside al lado de
even though a pesar de
even though a pesar de
about alrededor
across a través de
across a través de
behind detrás de
up until hasta
up until hasta
as well as así como
with con
like como
according de acuerdo con
against contra
in de
in de
inside of dentro de
inside of dentro de
inside of dentro
after después de
since desde
because debido a
different than a diferencia de
far away from lejos de
two words dos palabras
during durante
upon encima de
toward hacia
in the name of en nombre de
around alrededor de
rather than en lugar de
in en
in en
in en
in en
in between entre
in between entre
except salvo
except salvo
outside of fuera de
outside of fuera
out fuera
more más
but pero
in front of delante de
opposite opuesto
down abajo
up arriba
for a
for para
Close of cerca de
close cerca de
because of a causa de
per por
per por
next to cerca de
Next to al lado de
next próximo
what que
without sin
under bajo
on encima
as well as en lo que
three words tres palabras
via vía
on sobre

Intermediate Spanish (video lesson 07) Prepositions in Spanish - part 1


Prepositions in Spanish
