Should I create an article or news site?

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If you are thinking about setting up a new website, the first thing you should decide is what niche (subject) it is. But there is another more important decision, what kind of content to publish?

Have you thought about it? Do I create a news site or just an article site? Or maybe a blog? In this article we will know the difference between article and news, and what are the benefits and challenges of each one.

News Site

The news sites are focused only on creating daily news on a certain topic that may or may not cover several categories. The news usually has an illustrative image and approximately 150 to 300 words for a quick reading.

News tends to have a greater number of accesses than articles, since nowadays people are too lazy to read. But the negative point is that news is temporary, it will only yield more hits at the time it is published.

Another disadvantage of publishing news is that it requires daily commitment, and sometimes a large team to publish the most news per day.

News sites grow very fast if they are well run, but the competition is also strong. You can also find and write news quickly in less than 10 minutes.

The news sites are on a race track, whoever posts first and has a large audience can receive more visitors. A tip is to always follow news sites in Portuguese and English or famous to get the information first.

Articles Site

The articles site focuses on covering more details on a given subject. It requires knowledge of the subject or extensive research. The site focuses on reading and visitor comfort.

The articles are much more complex and have between 500 to 2000 words. The author must present a good argument and consistent information, articles can sometimes require days of research.

The advantage of an article site is that its publications have no dates and can be read after many years. An article site does not require daily publications, it has sites that publish only 1 article per month.

There is another type of simple article site that can be called a blog. A website that publishes articles about curiosities about a certain subject or place. This type of site can have between 300 to 1000 words per article and does not require such a thorough research on the subject. But for greater growth it requires greater dedication and daily publications.

What is the difference between an article site and a Blog?

Currently, the term blog is widely used to indicate sites that publish articles daily or weekly on a given subject. A blog works the way the author wants, he can publish short and long articles and even news.

A blog can be personal, it can have a team and it can talk about a certain subject or several. Famous people or companies use blogs to keep in touch with their fans and customers.

When deciding whether to write long articles, short articles or news, blogging is not an option for your decision. Whether the site is considered a blog or not will depend on your point of view. Nowadays almost all article sites can be called blogs. Choose the type of website that best suits you and your routine.

I currently write articles that can have from 300 to 2000 words, sometimes I create an article to satisfy curiosities and sometimes I create articles to deeply analyze a certain subject. You don't necessarily have to be stuck with a publishing style. I do not recommend mixing news with articles.

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