List of most used words in English

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In this post we will provide a complete vocabulary list about the most used words in English. I hope you make it great on this list of commonly used terms in English.

We recommend using the internet browser locator (CRTL + F) to search for the words you want about the most used in English. We also recommend using Anki or another spaced memorization tool.

palavras sobre mais usadas no inglês

List of most used words in English

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Portuguese Inglês
Open open
above above
to happen happen
add add
to admire wonder
now now
Water water
to help help
catch up reach
some some
some few
high high
both both
friend friend
love, love love
floor walk
animal animal
year year
write down note
before before
appear appear
even-though though
after after
learn learn
those those
on here here
air air
area area
drag, tie draw
tree tree
so, so so
watch the clock watch
up until until
even, calm still
act, act act
behind behind
behind ago
back, back back
across through
avião plane
Notice notice
blue blue
low down
low low
boat boat
base base
quite enough
beauty beauty
well, well well
good good
good, excellent fine
good, like kind
White white
head head
dog dog
each each
each every
fall, fall, autumn fall
Cashier box
heat heat
way, way way
field field
song song
sing sing
able able
to charge carry
car car
House home
House house
cause cause
horse horse
early early
one hundred hundred
center center
right sure
right certain
to call call
arrived came
full full
check, check check
cry, cry cry
rain rain
City city
science science
five five
clear clear
class class
to cover cover
thing thing
with with
started began
begin start
begin begin
eat eat
food food
how while as
like, like like
how, how how
room, bedroom room
complete complete
common common
set, fix set
ramp up build
told told
tell tell
to contain contain
against against
talk talk
color, coloring color
body body
run run
right correct
run ran
cut cut
grow up grow
children children
cross, cross cross
Careful care
course course
I enjoy short
given away gave
to give give
in of
in from
again again
decide decide
lay down, amateur lay
leave let
leave leave
her her
his him
their them
since since
develop develop
slowly slow
to owe must
should would
should should
ten ten
day day
to differ differ
money money
direction, drive drive
right right
direct direct
said said
distant distant
tell say
two two two
during during
hard hard
and and
é is
she she
it he
they they
in on
in at
in, inside in
to fill fill
found, found found
meet find
While while
teach teach
So then
in between between
in between among
equate equate
was, was was
were, were were
school school
write write
dark dark
space space
Special special
wait wait
left, left left
state state
This one it
This one this
these these
story, floor (building) story
road road
star star
study study
me I
example example
to facilitate ease
family family
fact fact
do it does
farm farm
do make
do even do
close close
done made
done done
did, even did
stayed got
stay get
stay stay
figure, imagine figure
end, finish end
Final final
fire, fire, fire fire
was went
out out
force, force force
form shape
form, form form
strong strong
photo, movie picture
front front
cold cold
girl girl
boy boy
to rule govern
big large
big big
group group
save keep
save hold
war war
man man
men men
hour hour
idea idea
island island
all whole
interest, interest interest
go go
game game
young young
together together
just just
there there
side side
remember remember
read, read read
east east
letter, letter letter
lead lead lead
light, light light
lb pound
language language
line, row line
list list
free, shipping free
book book
place stead
soon soon
far far
long long
moon moon
place place
wood wood
mother mother
may, may may
more more
more, bigger most
morning morning
hand hand
map map
machine machine
sea sea
Mark mark
but but
me, me me
measure measure
means mean mean
best best
best better
any less less
mind, care mind
table, table table
same same
same even
half half
my my
thousand thousand
mile mile
minute minute
Mountain mountain
Show show
movement move
to change change
oftentimes often
much much
very, absolute very
Many many
multiply multiply
world world
municipal town
music music
nothing nothing
no no
no don’t
ship boarding ship
black black
snow snow
night night
name name
north north
we us
we we
our our
New new
numeral numeral
number number
Never never
ó oh
what what
The the the the the
object object
Ocean ocean
occupied busy
west west
look look
eye eye
Where where
order, order order
great, excellent, great great
or or
gold gold
other other
heard heard
hear hear
hear listen
pattern pattern
page page
dad father
parents country
word word
paper paper
for to
for toward
up up
stop stop
seem seem
part part
pass pass
Bird bird
step step
foot foot
piece piece piece
play, touch play
request ask ask
take take
caught took
fish, fish fish
thought thought thought
think think
small small
small, little little
stand, stand, stand stand
remained stood
close near
foot feet
person person
people, people people
to paint paint
plan plan
simple Plan plain
plant factory plant
tire tire tire
can can can
power, strength power
power, could might
could could
inch inch
Score point
per put
why why
by, off off
by in by
put to for
door door
port port
position pose
possible possible
need need
pressure, press press
first first
principal main
problem problem
production produce
product product
deep deep
ready ready
own own
self, self self
next next
to pull pull
which which
any any
When when
four four
what than
what who
that, that that
hot hot
hot warm
want want
question, question question
tail tail
fast fast
fast quick
real real
record, record, record record
round, round round
ruler rule rule
King king
answer answer
rest, rest rest
River river
laugh laugh
wheel wheel
rock rock rock
face face
Street street
to know know
known knew
are, are are
if if
dry dry
follow follow
second second
six six
week week
ever always
always, already ever
verdict sentence
feel, miss miss
feel, feeling feel
to be be
serve serve
your his
your your
their their
been, state been
Yes yes
simple simple
system system
under under
about, above-from over
about, almost about
Sun sun
spell charm spell
sound sound
only only
noun noun
south south
surface surface
such such
also too
also also
afternoon late
have has
time, hour time
try try
Tue have
Earth land
Earth earth
ground, sharpened ground
test test
had had
all all
top, main top
turn, instead turn
job work
bring bring
brought brought
three three
last, last last
one one
one, one a
one, one an
once once
unity unit
use use
usual, common usual
will, will will
several several
old old
wind wind
to see see
verb verb
green green
red red
travel travel
life life
come over come
eyesight sight
saw, saw saw
live, live live
fly, fly fly
you you
vowel vowel
voice voice
Truth true

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1000 most used English words (Complete) with native pronunciation Portuguese translation
