Introduction to Spanish

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Today we are going to know this “beautiful” language that is Spanish or Castilian, but what is the difference from one to the other?

Spanish or Castilian?

Spanish and Castilian are synonymous, Spain is the “cradle” of the language, it dates back to the 13th century when Spain was still known as “Castile” in the Middle Ages, and imposed territory in other lands in 1942 consolidated “Castilian” with the unification of the kingdoms that correspond to today's Spain. The term Spanish comes from medieval Latin Hispaniolus, Latin denomination of the Iberian Hispanic Peninsula.

Within Spain there are other languages ​​depending on the region such as Catalan, Galician and Basque, if you use the term Spanish within Spain they may associate other languages ​​with Spain and not Spanish itself.

The term Spanish is more used here in Latin America and the reason for using Spanish and not Castilian may be more political than usual, it refers to the colonial period, Argentines do not refer to the term “Spanish” but “Castilian”, The Spanish term is common in the Caribbean, Mexico and border areas with another great language, English. In Spain, the use of the terms depends on the region: in the north, people refer to the language as Castilian. In Andalusia and the Canary Islands, the language is called Spanish. The two languages ​​have the same vocabulary, the words are written in the same way and follow the same grammatical rules. Spain developed the first unitary method of teaching the language, which is disseminated throughout the world, through the Instituto Cervantes.

Differences in phrases:


Introdução ao Espanhol


A: ¡Buenos Días Familia! How are you? 
B Hi! Are we okay with you?
C: Great. And you guys?
A: We are fine too. We came to make a surprise visit to you. 
B: We were delighted last visit.



Introdução ao Espanhol

A: ¡Buen Día Familia! How do you go?
B: Hola! Are we okay? 
C: Very well. Do you think?
A: We are fine. We came to make a surprise visit to you. 
B: We loved your visit. 


Vocabulary differences:


Spanish from Spain Latin American Castilian Portuguese translation
steel path (Arg.) / stool (Mex.) / andén (Col.) sidewalk walk
avocado palta / avocado avocado
alkylate, rent, profit profit (Mex.) / rent (Col.) rent, rent
renter, arriendo renta (Mex. e Chile) / arriendo (Col.) rent
apprehend, investigate investigate rush
arcén banquina (Arg. Parag. And Urug.) shoulder, side of the road
lift elevador / lift (Col.) elevador
calabaza zapallo / ayote (Nic. Cost. Rica e Guat.) / calabaza (Col. and Mex.) pumpkin
calabacin çalabacite (Mex) / calabacin (Col.) / zapallitos (Par. Chil. Arg. And Uruguay.) zucchini
coach (automobile) self / car / coach(automobile) car (automobile)
coger, grab, subject, take to take (Méx.) / Grab (Arg. e Urug. / subject / coger (Col. Per. Ec. Chile. Cuba and PR) catch, hold
chaval chavo (Méx.) / pibe (Arg.) / chino, niño, muchacho (Col.) boy, boy, boy, boy, kid.
driver, conductor conductor / chofer driver, driver, chauffeur
eh / ey / oye che (Arg.) / oye / Eh ei / aê / aí
Judías, habichuelas. frijoles, porotos (Arg.) bean
mejilla scarf cheek
mobile (phone), cellular cell phone cell phone
computer, computer, computer computadora / computador computer
Santa Claus, Santa Claus Santa Claus (Méx e Amér. Central) / Viejito Pascuero (Chile) / Santa Claus(Col.) Santa Claus, Father Christmas
prison trouble hurry
puchero olla pot hello pan
video video video
zapatillas (deportivas), tennis tenis / zapatillas tennis (Brazil), tennis (footwear)

Spanish is a Romance language from the Ibero-Romanesque group of the Ibero-Western subfamily that evolved from various Latin dialects spoken in the north-central Iberian Peninsula around the 9th century. Gradually, it spread with the expansion of the Kingdom of Castile (present-day Spain) to the center and south of the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages.

Countries that speak Spanish:

Costa Rica
El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
Puerto Rico
Dominican Republic

We already know the essentials, but what about the words? pronunciation?


Uppercase Lowercase  Letter Name
THE The (The)
B B (be)
Ç ç (ce)
D d (in)
AND and (and)
F f (efe)
G g (ge)
H H (hache)
I i (i)
J j (jot)
K k (ka)
L l (it)
M m (eme)
N n (ene)
Ñ ñ (eñe)
THE The (The)
FOR for (pe)
Q q (ass)
R r (miss)
s s (what if)
T t (you)
U u (u)
V v (uve)
W w (uve doble)
X x (equis)
Y y (ye)
Z z (zeta)

Pronunciation of a Brazilian who speaks Spanish:

Pronunciation of a native Domenican in the language


Before the spelling reform carried out by Real Academia Española in 2010, the letters "ch" and "ll" belonged to the alphabet, but they no longer belong.

Each country has its own way of pronouncing it, Spain “LL” sounds like “Lh” from Portuguese, Argentina “Ch or X” sound like “Tea”, Cup, Xerox, on Mexico and other countries has a “Dj” sound as in “aJJetivo” another feature is that only in Mexico the X has a “Ch” sound from the German!

Currently, these letters are called digraphs. There are also other changes related to the letters of the alphabet: the "y" used to be called "i griega", now it can only be named "ye"; the “latin i” can only be called “i”; the "b" will only be called "be", and no longer "be high" or "be wide"; “v = uve” will no longer accept the denominations of “ve baja” or “ve corta”.

For today it is only Personal, but in our Next meeting we will learn expressions!

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