IN, ON and AT - Prepositions in English

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English grammar always leaves some doubts. One is the prepositions, which are used to connect nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in the sentence.

Who wants to speak English properly have to be the domain of use of prepositions. In this article we will talk about the most confusing prepositions: IN, ON and AT which are prepositions of time.

How you use IN

In is used when referring to time as a part of the day, month, season or year, see some examples below:

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I always wake up in the morning. I always wake up in the morning.
My birthday is in May. My birthday is in May.
In the 21st century In the 21st century
In the evening. Nights start.
In summer In the summer

THE in It is also used for larger things like places, cities, countries, districts and even house parties look the examples:

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I am in my room. I am in my room.
In Brazil. In Brazil.
I used to live in California. I lived in California.

We also use in when we refer to readings that are (or could be) on a paper:

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I read it in the book. I read it in the book.
The order was in the e-mail. The order was in the email.

in, on e at

How to use ON

 ON for more specific dates, see the examples:

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I go to the gym on Wednesday and Friday I go to the gym on Wednesday and Friday.
On March 1st. On March 1st.
On Christmas Day On Christmas day
I’m going to Japan on Monday. I'm going to Japan on Monday

We also use ON to refer to objects that are in a certain place on top of another. And also to indicate in electronic media.

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the papers are on the table. The papers are on the table.
the car is on the street. The car is on the street.
There is an awesome video on YouTube. There is an amazing video on YouTube.

Using AT

We use At for specific times and times see examples:

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I will see you at 5 pm. I see you at 17h.
My interview is at 2 pm. My interview is at 2 pm.
At 7 o’clock At 7 o'clock
What are you doing at the moment? What are you doing at the moment?

  At it is also used for specific places see:

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We meet at the snack bar. We met at the cafeteria
The football game is at the stadium. The football game is at the stadium.

Now you know what these prepositions are for in, on and at, You need to practice and study more example sentences so you can save successfully.