How to learn languages ​​with music?

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Whether in Portuguese and English, Portuguese, French, Spanish, Japanese, the songs are successful in the country of origin and worldwide. Most Brazilians listen to music in Portuguese and English and Spanish, there are a large number of fans of Korean and Japanese music. No matter the language, music is part of everyone's life, it connects across cultures and can break down barriers.

But suppose you are studying a language, you probably listen to music in that language in order to improve your learning. But does it work? Stop and think of the thousands of people who listen to music in Portuguese and English every day but know absolutely nothing about the English language.

Listening or singing songs in another language may even make you learn some words, but it is not enough to improve your learning. Another problem is that the lyrics sometimes have a wrong grammar, words or romantic Project Ideas that are not used in everyday life. But do not be discouraged, it is possible to learn languages ​​with music yes!


What are the benefits of music?

How can music help in learning? By listening and singing songs you will train your reading, listening and pronunciation, in addition to learning new words and absorbing phrases and meanings. We have made a short list of the benefits of listening to music in learning a language.

  • Music helps to develop the ability to hear faster.
  • Music helps to develop the ability to speak and pronounce correctly.
  • Music helps to develop writing and vocabulary, including slang.
  • Music helps to develop reading.
  • Music helps to develop the ability to translate and interpret.
  • To know music is to know the culture of the country and the language.
  • Singing can help to reduce your accent.

But so that you can benefit from learning with the songs, we will suggest tips below:

Study the music the right way

If you want to make further progress in the study of language, you must study the songs. You can take the lyrics of a song you like, try to study and translate word for word and understand the real meaning of the song. Only by translating the music and studying parts of it can you understand each expression and phrase.


You can also add the phrases of the song in spaced memorization like anki. You can listen to the song several times, test the memorization of words and phrases, sing the karaoke of the song and so on.

Just keep in mind that listening to the song without any interest in absorbing details of it, you will hardly learn anything. Try to see how the phrase of each song can be applied in a dialog or normal text.

Use all your time, and listen to music and radio in the background. Listen to music in your target language when driving, doing chores, cooking, using your computer, etc. You need to create an environment in the language you want to learn.

Have on your phone an application that shows the lyrics and the translation of the song and always accompanies you. What are you waiting for to get your favorite songs? And examine and study all the details of the lyrics, sing and listen?

If you like a particular singer, do not waste time and research this singer in the language you are learning. You will find biographies, stories, reports that will also help you absorb the language.