Spanish Countries

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Hello Friends of Learning Words, in this article we will learn the names of some countries in Spanish, the countries are separated by continents, which will give the reader ease to find the country easily and of course, Increase vocabulary.

List of Countries

SOUTH AMERICA - South America

Tabela Responsiva: Role a tabela para o lado com o dedo <<
Portuguese Spanish
Argentina Argentina
Bolivia Bolivia
Brazil Brasil
Chile Chile
Colombia Colombia
Ecuador Ecuador
French Guiana Guayana Francesa
Venezuela Venezuela
Paraguay Paraguay
Uruguay Uruguay


NORTH AMERICA - North America

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Portuguese Spanish
United States  Estados Unidos
Canada Canadá
Mexico México
Panama Panamá
Cuba Cuba
Jamaica Jamaica
Dominican Republic República Domenicana
Haiti Haiti

EUROPA - Europe

Tabela Responsiva: Role a tabela para o lado com o dedo <<
Portuguese Spanish
Iceland Islandia
Ireland Irlanda
UK Reino Unido
Great Britain Gran Bretaña
Scotland Escocia
Wales Gales
Italy Italia
Ukraine Ucrania
Estonia Estonia
Austria Austria
Netherlands (Netherlands) Países Bajos (Holanda)
Greece Grecia
Croatia Croacia
Switzerland Suiza
Sweden Suecia
Spain España
Czech Republic República Checa
Denmark Dinamarca
Germany Alemania
Turkey Turquía
Norway Noruega
Hungary Hungría
Finland Finlandia
France Francia
Bulgaria Bulgaria
Belgium Bélgica
Poland Polonia
Portugal Portugal
Moldovia Moldavia
Romania Rumenía
Russia Rusia (Federación Rusa)

AFRICA - Africa

Tabela Responsiva: Role a tabela para o lado com o dedo <<
Portuguese Spanish
Egypt Egipto
Algeria Argelia
South Africa Sudáfrica
Morocco Marruecos
Kenya Kenia
Angola Angola
Mozambique Mozambique
Rwanda Ruanda

Middle East - Middle East

Tabela Responsiva: Role a tabela para o lado com o dedo <<
Portuguese Spanish
Saudi Arabia Arabia Saudita
Qatar Qatar
Cyprus Chipre
United Arab Emirates Emiratos Árabes Unidos
Yemen Yemen
Israel Israel
Will Irán
Iraq Iraq
Jordan Jordania
Lebanon Líbano
Oman Omán
Palestine Palestina
Syria Siria

ASIA - Asia

Tabela Responsiva: Role a tabela para o lado com o dedo <<
Portuguese Spanish
China China
Hong Kong Hong Kong
Japan Japón
South Korea Corea del Sur
North Korea Corea del Norte
Indonesia Indonesia
Philippines Filipinas
Singapore Singapur
Thailand Tailandia
Vietnam Vietnam
India India
Nepal Nepal
Bhutan Bután
Pakistan Pakistán
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
Afghanistan Afganistán
Kazakhstan Kazajstán

OCEANIA - Oceanía

Tabela Responsiva: Role a tabela para o lado com o dedo <<
Portuguese Spanish
Australia Australia
New Zealand Nueva Zelanda

NOTE: It is not a list of ALL countries, but it will be of great help to the reader who is learning Spanish.