The 3 most common grammatical errors

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The Portuguese language is one of the most complex, there are thousands of rules, accents, conjugations that end up causing many to write wrong. I myself end up making many mistakes in grammar and in redundancy and coherence.

Making mistakes in Portuguese is easy, and can end up going unnoticed, especially those who write more than they read. For this reason, we must pay close attention to our language, because there are some very serious errors that even scare people

Another common cause of grammatical errors is online and day-to-day conversations, which end up relaxing our Portuguese when writing. In this article we will analyze 5 grammatical mistakes that are most common and easy to make when writing, whether in a newspaper or blog. Remembering that I chose these mistakes, based on my experience.

But or more

This is one of the most common mistakes, even though we know the correct way to use it. They are very similar words, which ends up being spoken and heard at wrong times.

Wrong: I want to but money, more I don't like to work.

Right: I want to more money, but I don't like to work.

THE but is an coordinating conjunction which is used to convey an idea of ​​opposition, limitation, restriction as well as however, however, however and yet.

The more it is an adverb used to convey the idea of ​​greater quantity or greater intensity, or a sum. Example: Cinco mais dois não é igual a três / Eu precisava estudar mais.  The more can also give an idea of ​​cessation or limit, when accompanied by denial. Example: I can't stand walking anymore. 

The why?

This is a very common mistake, and difficult to understand. I still don't know why there are so many whys? Is there why, why, why and why? Why separate, join and accentuate?

THE why together and without accent, it is a coordinating conjunction, an explanatory conjunction and a causal conjunction. The “why” is used to link 2 Project Ideas and sentences when the previous idea is explained or justified, as well as the words: therefore therefore, so that, by which. It can also express a cause, motive or reason for the action contained in the main sentence as the words: that, like, since, since. Examples: Brazil does not change because Brazilians do not want to. 

The why separate and without an accent is an interrogative or indefinite pronoun. We use why to understand “for what reason” or “for what reason” and, we don't always use it when asking questions. Example:  Why don't you go to the mall? (for what reason) I don't know why I do not want to go. (for what reason). 

THE why separate and with an accent is used at the end of the sentence, whether it is a question or not. The why together and with accent is a noun that can be used in the plural, and accompanied by articles, pronouns and adjectives. THE why it is usually preceded by articles "o" and "one". Examples: Ela ficou triste, não sei por quê. / Ele foi expulso, não sei o porquê.

The comma

THE comma é um sinal de pontuação, que exerce 3 funções básicas : Marcar as pausas e as inflexões da voz na leitura; Enfatizar e/ou separar expressões e orações; Esclarecer o significado da frase, afastando qualquer ambiguidade. Saber isso é fácil, agora na pratica isso é super difícil, acabamos colocando virgulas em momentos errado, deixando o texto confuso, eu mesmo faço muito isso.

There are a few things that can help you avoid mistakes when placing commas, keep in mind the following points:

  • There can be no comma between subject and predicate (The supervisor, distributed the tasks).
  • There can be no comma between the verb and its complements (Students redid, all texts).
  • There can be no comma between the name and the adjunct or adnominal adjunct (The extraction of the tooth was painful).
  • The comma is used to mark an interleaving: the adverbial adjunct, the conjunction and the explanatory or corrective expressions.
  • The comma is used to mark inversion: of the adverbial adjunct, of the pleonastic objects in front of the verb and of the place name in front of the dates.
  • The comma is used to isolate: (Brazil, considered a good country, where chaos and violence reigns.).
  • The comma is used to mark the ellipse (omission) of the verb: (We want to eat pizza; and you want sushi.)
  • Comma is used to separate coordinated elements from each other. (Sugar, spice and everything good).

Of course, if you don't know the complex terms mentioned above, just like me. You will still have difficulty putting commas at the right time. Only with practice will you reach perfection.

Of course, there are thousands of other mistakes, from simple word changes, the use of backslash to the wrong use of pronouns, but going into detail on this subject will require new articles. If you have problems with Portuguese errors we recommend the famous website