The 12 best books for studying English

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There is no lack of information, content, articles and courses that teach the English language. But many of you prefer to pick up a good old book and study at home away from technology, which is often a big hindrance when studying.

Studying through books is very good for learning English and any other language. Whether through books focused on learning English or a random book in the Portuguese and English language. Many think about reading books online, but sometimes social networks and google get in the way of reading and studying.

To prevent this from happening, in this article we will recommend 10 books focused on learning English so that you can choose wisely and have a copy in your home and dedicate yourself to your studies avoiding procrastinating. All the books that we will mention here can be purchased online through AmazonBR and we will leave the link for each book for you.

We also encourage the use of random books such as stories, dramas and novels in the Portuguese and English language of interest. This is because we always encourage the method of absorb content rather than doing chores and filling in gaps.

We are not going to organize the books in a sort of ranking. It is up to you to decide which is the best book, because they are all good. To access book details in the online store AmazonBR and if you want to make the purchase, just click on the name of the book that will be highlighted.livros estudar inglês aprender

English vocabulary books

English at Ponta da Língua - The author intends to show how to learn vocabulary in an organized and spontaneous way as well as learn grammar through the acquired words. The book separates the most important things for you to be able to communicate well.

Speak All in Portuguese and English - Pack - Speak Everything in Portuguese and English includes everyday dialogues, grammar reference guides and cultural tips. This kit includes vocabulary, activity and audio CD books.

Quick and Easy. Essential Words To Extend Your English Vocabulary
- The name of the book says it all! The book says that with 3000 words you can communicate efficiently and understand about 95% of common texts, the book will help you learn that.

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English courses and complete kits

Megakit English For Dummies - Books and CDs - As the name suggests, the purpose of this kit is to teach English to laypeople from scratch. This kit comes with an audio course, 4CDs with dialogues, everyday situations, phrases and expressions spoken by native speakers. In addition to several books on English grammar, conversation and etc.

How to Understand Spoken English - This is one of the biggest problems when studying English. The purpose of this book is to help you understand English at the natural speed used in movies, music, conversations, presentations, phone calls, business and tourism.

English - Quick Language Course Collection - With illustrated exercises and phrases that refer to everyday situations, this title offers an efficient method, lasting 12 weeks, for anyone looking to learn English from scratch or reinforce their knowledge.

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English grammar

Grammar of Use of the English Language - Denilso de Lima presents the reader with the most complicated grammatical topics in English in a simple, didactic and easy way. The author's goal is to teach the grammar of the English language as it is used in everyday life. It is a book aimed at those who want to learn English definitely quickly and intelligently.

Urgent English! for Brazilians - This book aims to assist students of English language who are faced with a series of doubts about how to improve their English.

Combining English Words - This book will help anyone who wants to learn how words naturally combine in the English language. In addition to teaching several common combinations, the book also gives tips for readers to learn English independently, using the most varied resources available to them today.

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Relaxed English books

Help! My English Rusted - This book is not an educational book that teaches English. This book is an adventure where the protagonist provides pronunciation tips, relevant grammatical points and diverse expressions of English in a relaxed way. The book tells the story of Joana and Olivia who decide to spend a season in the USA.

Conversation Starter - This boxed book contains 100 questions to chat in Portuguese and English with friends, relatives or anyone else. A fun way to get to know others and yourself. Perfect for weekends, parties and other moments.

How not to learn English - This book is both educational and enjoyable, as the student learns English in a natural and fun way. The author Michael Jacobs, puts in this work his great experience in teaching English in companies and language schools. His focus is on the main difficulties and mistakes that native Portuguese speakers make when learning English.

Want more English or alternative books?

If you are not interested in investing in books or filling your home's shelf. You can download our free digital books by email by registering on our website.

Sometimes you don't believe that it is possible to learn a language through books and you want a teacher and mentor? We recommend several English teachers online, you can visit some of them in the menu of our website and think if worth taking an online course of English.

Did you find few books? Let's leave some more English books below:

Last updated on April 15, 2024 2:22 am

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