Basic English vocabulary # 1

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In today's article we will see a small basic English vocabulary, so that you can remember and learn the most common words. The table is divided into categories.

Memorizing this table will help you to add useful and important words to your English vocabulary.

Meaning English
Vocabulary Vocabulary
Countries Countries
Australia Australia
Cambodia Cambodia
Canada Canada
China China
Egypt Egypt
England England
France France
Germany Germany
Greece Greece
India India
Indonesia Indonesia
Italy Italy
Japan Japan
Mexico Mexico
Morocco Morocco
Peru Peru
Spain Spain
Thailand Thailand
Languages Languages
Arabic Arabic
Chinese Chinese
English English
French French
German German
Greek Greek
Hebrew Hebrew
Hindi Hindi
Italian Italian
Japanese Japanese
Korean Korean
Latin Latin
Russian Russian
Spanish Spanish
Urdu Urdu
Days of the week Days
Monday Monday
Tuesday Tuesday
Wednesday Wednesday
Thursday Thursday
Friday Friday
Saturday Saturday
Sunday Sunday
Hours time
hour hour
minute minute
second second


The second table is a little more complex:

In Portuguese in Portuguese and English
Colors colors
black black
blue blue
Brown brown
Grey gray
green green
orange orange
purple purple
red red
White white
yellow yellow
Sizes sizes
big big
deep deep
long long
narrow narrow
I enjoy short
small small
high tall
thick thick
thin thin
wide wide
likes tastes
bitter bitter
fresh fresh
salty salty
sour sour
spicy spicy
candy sweet
qualities qualities
bad bad
clean clean
dark dark
difficult difficult
dirty dirty
dry dry
easy easy
empty empty
expensive expensive
fast fast
foreign foreign
complete full
good good
hard hard
heavy heavy
cheap inexpensive
Light light
place local
New new
noisy noisy
old old
powerful powerful
calm quiet
right correct
slow slow
soft soft
much very
weak weak
wet wet
wrong wrong
young young
food food
almonds almonds
bread bread
Breakfast breakfast
butter butter
bullet candy
cheese cheese
chicken chicken
cumin cumin
sobremesa dessert
dinner dinner
fish fish
fruit fruit
ice cream ice cream
lamb lamb
lemon lemon
lunch lunch
meal meal
beef meat
forno oven
chili pepper
plants plants
pork pork
salad salad
salt salt
sandwich sandwich
sausage sausage
soup soup
sugar sugar
supper, dinner supper
Peru turkey
Apple apple
banana banana
oranges oranges
peaches peaches
peanut peanut
pears pears
pineapple pineapple
grape grapes
strawberries strawberries
vegetables vegetables
carrot carrot
corn corn
cucumber cucumber
garlic garlic
lettuce lettuce
olives olives
onions onions
Bell peppers peppers
potatoes potatoes
pumpkin pumpkin
beans beans
tomatoes tomatoes
alligator alligator
alligators alligators
bear bear
bears bears
Bird bird
birds birds
bull bull
bulls bulls
cat cat
cats cats
cow cow
cows cows
deer deer
many deer many deer
dog dog
dogs dogs
dumb donkey
donkeys donkeys
eagle eagle
eagles eagles
elephant elephant
elephants elephants
giraffe giraffe
giraffes giraffes
goat goat
goats goats
horse horse
horses horses
lion lion
lions lions
monkey monkey
monkeys monkeys
mouse mouse
rats mice
Bunny rabbit
rabbits rabbits
snake snake
snakes snakes
tiger tiger
tigers tigers
Wolf wolf
wolves wolves
objects objects
banheiro bathroom
bed bed
room bedroom
ceiling ceiling
chair chair
clothes clothes
coat coat
cup cup
writing desk desk
dress dress
floor floor
fork fork
furniture furniture
glass glass
hat hat
House house
ink ink
jacket jacket
kitchen kitchen
faca knife
lamp lamp
Letter letter
map map
newspaper newspaper
notebook notebook
calças pants
paper paper
pen pen
pencil pencil
farmácia pharmacy
photo frame picture
plate plate
fridge refrigerator
restaurant restaurant
roof roof
room room
carpet rug
scissors scissors
shampoo shampoo
shirt shirt
shoes shoes
soap, soap soap
socks socks
Spoon spoon
table table
toilet toilet
Toothbrush toothbrush
Toothpaste toothpaste
towel towel
umbrella umbrella
underwear underwear
wall wall
Wallet wallet
window window
telephone telephone
this this this
that that that
these these these
those those those
Questions Questions
Like? how?
What? what?
Who? who?
Why? why?
Where? where?
different objects different objects
art art
Bank bank
Beach beach
book book
by bike by bicycle
by bus by bus
by car by car
by train by train
coffee cafe
parents country
desert desert
dictionary dictionary
Earth earth
flowers flowers
football football
forest forest
game game
garden garden
geography geography
history history
House house
island island
lake lake
library library
mathematics math
moon moon
Mountain mountain
movies movies
music music
Ocean ocean
office office
on foot on foot
player player
River river
science science
sea sea
heaven sky
soccer soccer
stars stars
supermarket supermarket
pool swimming pool
theater theater
tree tree
weather (meteorological) weather
bad weather bad weather
cloudy cloudy
cold cold
fresh cool
with fog foggy
hot hot
nice weather nice weather
torrential rain pouring
rain rain
raining raining
snow snow
snowing snowing
ice ice
sunny sunny
windy windy
spring spring
summer summer
outono autumn
Winter winter
people people
aunt aunt
baby baby
brother brother
cousin cousin cousin
daughter daughter
dentist dentist
doctor doctor
dad father
Grandfather grandfather
Grandfather grandmother
husband husband
mother mother
nephew nephew
niece niece
nurse nurse
police officer policeman
carteiro postman
college professor professor
son son
teacher teacher
uncle uncle
wife wife


I hope you enjoyed the article, in the future you will be able to see other tables like this.

Source: mylanguages