Animals in Spanish

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Hello Readers of Learn Words, in this article we will increase our Spanish vocabulary by learning animals, if you needed that vocabulary, this article will help you, in this list besides animals there are also some insects, we hope you can enrich your Spanish:

List of animals

Portuguese Espanhol
Animal Animal
Bee Abeja
Moose Alce
Spider Araña
Ostrich Avestruz
Eagle Águila
Whale Ballena
Beetle Escarabajo
Butterfly Mariposa
Dumb Burro
Goat Cabra
Dog Perro
Chameleon Camaleón
camel Camello
Kangaroo Canguro
snail Caramujo
Aries Carnero
Carp Carpa
Beaver Castor
Horse Caballo
Chimpanzee Chimpancé
Chinchilla Chinchilla
Swan Cisne
Koala Koala
Cobra / Serpente Culebra/Serpiente
Bunny Conejo
Crow Cuervo
Crocodilo / jacaré Cocodrilo/Caimán
Doggy Perrito
Ferret Comadreja
Dromedary Dromedario
Elephant Elefante
Mare Yegua
Squirrel Ardilla
Seal Foca
Ant Hormiga
Chicken Pollo
Cattle Ganado
Grasshopper Saltamontes
Chicken Gallina
Goose Ganso
Cat Gato
Giraffe Jirafa
Dolphin Delfín
Gorilla Gorila
Raccoon Mapache
Hamster Hámster
Hipoppotamus Hipopótamo
Bug Insecto
Boar Verraco
Lizard Largato
Largatixa Geco
Leopard Leopardo
Lion León
Wolf Lobo
Praying-Mantis Mantis
Squid Calamar
Monkey Mono
Marisco/Crustáceo Marisco/Crustáceo
Bat Murciélago
Fly Mosca
Mosquito Mosquito
Platypus Ornitorrinco
Urchin Erizo
Sheep Oveja
Panda Panda
Sparrow Gorrión
duck Pato
Fish Pez
Chick Polluelo
Octopus Pulpo
Hedgehog Puerco espín
Pig Cerdo
Bird Pájaro
Fox Zorro
Mouse Ratón
Rhinoceros Rinoceronte
Frog Rana
Salamander Salamandra
frog Sapo
Tortoise Tortuga
Tiger Tigre
Shark Tiburón
Polar Bear Oso Polar
Bear Osa
cow Vaca
Firefly Luciérnaga
Zebra Cebra

Let's see some phrases

My mistake is very small

In South Africa, there are many jirafas, elephants and brains

Los cazan las Cebras

Las hormigas son mu trabajadoras

The cats and the mice and the cats in the cats, but the mice in the cats

In a Farm there are a lot of animals like cows, bueyes, sheep, polluelo and others…

In Mexico there is a kind of Saltamontes called “Chapulin” and they are very appreciated for being edible.